Going the extra one per cent separates good advisors from great ones.

Many advisors are good, but they are just 99 Percenters. They get 99 per cent of the job done and then stop. The do 99 per cent of a sales process and stop. They hold at 99 per cent of policy delivery. Remember this, you will always be known for that last 1 per cent. If it’s amazing, so will you be. If it falls short, you will too. It all hinges on that 1 per cent.
Here are a few examples:
Here are a few examples:
- What if you make a sale but don’t thank the prospect. It’s a mistake. You must recognize that people have options. Thanking for them for choosing you is just the decent and professional thing to do. 100 Percenters always do.
- How about when you sell a significant policy but leave the underwriting process to your staff, the company office and the doctors – leaving your prospect all alone. No, you aren’t obliged to walk new clients through the process but 100 Percenters do. That “in it together” feeling creates 100 Percenter loyalty. It’s necessary to be a 100 Percenter.
- If you receive a great referral but never notify the referrer how things went or to thank them, that’s just 99 percent. Someone took a chance referring you and they don’t get any credit from you. Don’t expect any more from them. They think you don’t care.
- Let’s say you do a great job selling life insurance but never do an annual review or communicate with your client again. There’s a 99 Percenter in action. Regular reviews highlighting policy positives and repairing deficiencies means you are there to help them first. Regular communication proves you are still in business and available to help them and their referrals.
- Many advisors do a decent job delivering policies but don’t include policy “wallets”. It’s another missed 100 Percenter opportunity. Little practical gifts like this show your client how much you care about them and their business. There is no policy carrier (wallet, box, binder, vault…) whose cost will exceed the value of the new client relationship over the long run. Show you care and they will show they care too.