Download white paper to learn how strategy aims for lower volatility, higher risk-adjusted returns, downside protection, and tax efficiency

Have you ever wondered how private Canadian apartment investment differs from holding preferred shares in your clients’ portfolios? Wealth Professional has worked with Equiton Capital Inc. of Burlington, Ontario to offer a white paper here that spells out five advantages for you to consider.
“We’d like advisors to communicate with their investors that ‘if you’re interested in increasing yield and generating tax efficient income, while reducing overall portfolio volatility, then Canadian private apartments should be a meaningful portion of a diversified portfolio,” said Darren Gazdag, Equiton’s Head of Sales and Distribution, Advisor.
The white paper, Private Canadian Apartments vs Preferred Shares, goes into detail about the five advantages of private multi-residential apartments, which includes higher total returns, lower volatility and higher risk-adjusted returns, better downside protection, real diversification, and more tax efficiency.
Equiton offers The Equiton Residential Income Fund Trust, a five-year-old fund with almost $400 million, which is solely focused on the Canadian multi-residential space. Most of the buildings are in southwestern Ontario, and the fund has seen a 70% growth during the pandemic.