More money than scents? Binance launches a perfume called Crypto

Leaked April Fool, or a clever way to tackle an industry gender problem

More money than scents? Binance launches a perfume called Crypto

How many times have you told clients: “if something doesn’t smell right, it’s probably a scam”?

But on this occasion, it’s possible that crypto infrastructure provider Binance has come up with a way to get more women to engage with an industry which often has a male skew. It’s launched its own perfume called CRYPTO, kind of.

The idea was dreamed up by the firm’s female marketing team who were tasked with piquing public interest in cryptocurrency investing and the industry. They channeled (Chanel-ed perhaps?) highly effective beauty industry marketing to create a campaign to challenge the norm and defy existing perceptions around crypto.

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The timing is clever, as companies globally attempt often-clunky tie-ins with International Women’s Day on March 8.

Binance have gone one step further than simply announcing a launch with online advertising, it’s also taken its message onto the streets with a stand in a shopping mall and released a video of the results.

"Bold, distinctive, and deliberately disruptive, CRYPTO isn't a scent we're marketing — it's a message to women that they have a significant role to play in the crypto revolution," says Rachel Conlan, chief marketing officer at Binance. "Drawing from my own experience of working in the crypto industry, I've seen firsthand the invaluable contributions of the women who dared to step into this realm. We're here to tell women everywhere: Don't be a bystander. Break those glass ceilings, challenge existing narratives and become part of this digital transformation that's set to redefine global finance."

To further improve the participation of women in crypto investing, the firm is also giving 5,000 women $25 to invest if they successfully complete its academy course, and it’s holding meetups and online activity to encourage women to discover more about how cryptocurrency can benefit them.

"Crypto is universal — it's about empowering all individuals. It's time to ensure no woman is left behind in this financial revolution,” added Conlan. “Our commitment to inclusion extends beyond mere rhetoric; we're not just talking the talk but backing it up with solid action by providing women with the educational resources they need to shape their financial futures and become active participants in this digital economy."