Canadian dollar-denominated securities for equity income strategies now listed on the TSX

Harvest has announced new Class B unhedged units for three of its TSX-listed ETFs.
“We want to give investors as much flexibility as possible when investing in our core Equity Income Strategies,” said Harvest President and CEO Michael Kovacs. “With the new Class B Unhedged Units, one can choose the underlying ETF in hedged, unhedged or USD.”
The three strategies, along with the ticker symbols of their new unhedged units, are:
- Harvest Healthcare Leaders Income ETF (HHL.B)
- Harvest Brand Leaders Plus Income ETF (HBF.B)
- Harvest Tech Achievers Growth & Income ETF (HTA.B)
Focused on different groups of equity issuers, the three strategies offer unitholders monthly cash distributions, the opportunity for capital appreciation, and lowered overall volatility of portfolio returns through the use of covered call options on up to 33% of the underlying portfolio securities.