The new offerings provide access to innovative technologies through some world-leading companies

Coincapital, the OSC-registered investment and portfolio management arm of Coinsquare, has entered the Canadian ETF space. Its first two ETFs, both listed on the TSX, offer investors access to emerging technologies through some of the world’s leading companies..
“Canadians know technologies like AI and the blockchain are going to change the way we live and work, but it can be difficult to access high quality investments in these sectors without deep domain expertise,” said Coincapital CEO Lewis Bateman. “We're doing the work for investors, using our in-depth industry knowledge to provide Canadians with an innovative suite of investment options that help them invest in new technology even if they're not an expert.”
The first ETF, Coincapital STOXX Blockchain Patents Innovation Index Fund (LDGR), invests in global equity securities of companies investing in research and development of blockchain technologies. The fund is backed by a proprietary artificial-intelligence algorithm that picks out and selects companies to put in the portfolio. Using the iSTOXX Yewno Developed Markets Blockchain Index as a basis, the selection process favours companies based on filings related to blockchain intellectual property, which identifies innovators and adopters of the technology.
The second fund, Coincapital STOXX B.R.AI.N. Index Fund (THNK), invests in global equity securities of companies that delve into four technology megatrends: biotechnology, robotics, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology. Based on the iSTOXX Developed Markets B.R.AI.N Index, the fund focuses on companies that derive at least 50% of revenues from the aggregate of the B.R.A.I.N. sectors.
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