Members' health management now more comprehensive than ever

As part of its best practices for managing disability and rehabilitation, Beneva is using BiogeniQ’s pharmacogenetic testing.
"The integration of BiogeniQ's revolutionary tool into our support strategies reflects our commitment to providing our insured plan members with innovative and caring solutions to improve their health," Éric Trudel, Beneva's Executive Vice-President and Leader, Group Insurance, said in a release.
Beneva provides pharmacogenetic testing to its insured members who are on disability leave or leave of absence owing to physical, mental, or emotional disorders found to be resistant to current therapies. It also serves to prevent the health condition from becoming chronic and to provide maintenance while the insured plan member is disabled.
"In addition to highlighting Beneva's leadership in support solutions, this initiative also contributes to supporting financial health by controlling group insurance plan costs for insured plan members," Trudel said.
Patients who received pharmacogenetic testing patients had a 30% reduction in adverse drug responses, and Beneva hopes to enhance the adoption of this solution by increasing Canadians' access to and broadening its range of healthcare options to include other medical issues – particularly those relative to chronic pain.
“We're delighted that the use of our tests by Beneva is making a difference in the lives of many insured plan members," said Jean-François Rioux, Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President at BiogeniQ.
According to Rioux, studies have revealed that a pharmacogenomic-based tailored treatment minimizes the disability periods due to mental health issues or chronic diseases by increasing the likelihood of recovery.
It might be difficult to choose the best medication, dose, or treatment combination. Some people experience the positive effects of the drug straight away, while others may wait longer to find the treatment that works best for them.
After receiving their initial treatment, two out of every three patients still experience symptoms of depression. SSR inhibitors have a poor response rate in 38% of patients (SSRI), and for each new therapy attempt, the likelihood of success decreases.
By making straightforward, trustworthy, and pertinent pharmaceutical recommendations based on a person's DNA, BiogeniQ assists patients in finding the most suitable course of therapy. Genetic testing gives doctors information that enables them to modify medicine and dose based on each patient's metabolism through collaboration with healthcare specialists.
Beneva gives its insured customers the choice of having BiogeniQ send them a genetic test kit directly. The kit is used to transmit a saliva sample to BiogeniQ, and the laboratory then provides the findings to the treating physician. The method is optional and private.