Despite being largely preventable, the diseases have disproportionately high rates of infection in certain communities across Canada

Despite being largely preventable, sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections, including hepatitis C and HIV, have high rates of infection in certain communities across Canada.
The federal government has identified this as a significant public health concern and is taking steps to prevent the transmission of these deadly infections. Earlier this month, the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Health, announced support for 28 projects in Canada that aim to reduce the risk of blood-borne infections among people who share drug-use equipment, such as needles and pipes.
People who share drug-use equipment are disproportionately represented among new cases of hepatitis C and HIV infections in Canada. In 2016, people who injected drugs accounted for 14.3% of reported new HIV cases.
The Public Health Agency of Canada is guaranteeing $8.5 million to tackle these diseases, which is part of the agency's investment of $30 million over five years through the Harm Reduction Fund. This funding will support community initiatives to address the risk of HIV and hepatitis C infection among people who share drug-use equipment.
"Community organizations do important work to reduce hepatitis C and HIV infections among people who share drug-use equipment,” said Petitpas Taylor. “This funding will help communities prevent these infections and support the health and well-being of those at risk."
The funding will go directly to projects based in communities with have high rates of hepatitis C and HIV. The fresh funding will support front-line interventions and capacity-building activities in communities, including education resources for people who use drugs, peer-based outreach services, and training for health providers.
"Interventions by community-based organizations are essential for helping local populations that have high rates of hepatitis C and HIV,” said Dr. Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada. “Reducing the rates of these and other sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections, which are largely preventable infections, is one of my priorities as Canada's Chief Public Health Officer. By meeting the specific needs of individuals who share drug-use equipment, we will help them lead healthier lives."