The alignment is expected to bring several new benefits to assist growth with advisors, plan sponsors, and members
Blue Cross Life Insurance Company of Canada and Pacific Blue Cross have revealed plans to form an alliance effective January 2, 2020. The move is expected to benefit British Columbians as it combines national expertise and scale with local service and insight.
In a statement, Pacific Blue Cross said that the nationally aligned alliance gives rise to several new benefits that will help its growth among advisors, plan sponsors, and members.
“Pacific Blue Cross is excited to bring the benefits of a national carrier to our local expertise,” said president and CEO John Crawford. “This alliance with Blue Cross Life is a foundational building block towards improving health and wellbeing for British Columbians.”
With enhanced capabilities in underwriting, pricing, reserving, actuarial and medical underwriting, the company said it can invest in additional work and wellness solutions for its customer base in British Columbia. Pacific Blue Cross will also remain as the primary contact for all sales, service, and claims.
“We have created the ability to bring on new business with our trusted advisors while improving our value proposition to our clients and members,” Crawford said.
The new announced partnership is the latest addition to the history of collaboration and mutually beneficial integration of strengths shared by Canada’s Blue Cross plans. It creates conditions for Pacific Blue Cross to better meet the evolving benefit needs of members in the present as well as the future.
“This alliance is a key milestone in our strategy to build a truly national scope, making our organization stronger and improving our ability to collaborate with other Blues Cross plans across Canada," said Marie-Josée Martin, president & CEO, Blue Cross Life.
The upcoming alliance is subject to regulatory approval. Submissions have been made to both the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) and the BC Financial Institutions Commission (FICOM).