Finding new growth beyond Canada’s borders by tapping into socioeconomic trends

Explore new opportunities in a shifting global economy through societal trends and innovative strategies—join NEI Investments' webinar

Finding new growth beyond Canada’s borders by tapping into socioeconomic trends

This article was produced in partnership with NEI Investments

Playing it safe is no longer cutting it. With equity returns increasingly concentrated in a handful of players. It’s time to break free from the herd and start thinking beyond Canada’s borders, especially as the country's 3% global market cap offers limited exposure. Growth isn’t going to come from the same old places, especially in a shifting economy where sustainability is more than just a buzzword—it’s the future. But here’s the catch: it's not just about going green. The real opportunity lies in finding those businesses that are tackling today’s biggest societal shifts, while still delivering where it counts—the bottom line.

NEI Investments invites advisors to explore a new path to performance through their webinar: “Explore a New Path to Performance Through Societal Trends and Changing Demographics,” taking place on October 17, 2024. The session will feature insights from Amber Fairbanks and Charles French, co-portfolio managers at Impax Asset Management, alongside John Bai, Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer at NEI Investments.

Advisors may want to consider looking beyond conventional global equity portfolios and explore new opportunities that align with powerful economic drivers and are typically underestimated by markets. This differentiated approach helps minimize investing in a “sea of sameness”, while offering the potential for outperformance in a changing world.

For example, thematic funds like the NEI Global Corporate Leaders Fund provide a compelling investment opportunity. By focusing on companies positioned at the forefront of long-term socioeconomic changes—such as the growing importance of corporate culture—the fund can offer Canadian investors access to global growth opportunities. With its sub-advisor, Impax Asset Management, a specialist in sustainable investing, the fund is designed to offer both geographical diversification and exposure to companies solving for society’s future challenges, such as the digital divide, access to finance and chronic disease

Seeking out investments that align with long-term secular themes can help navigate the complexities of today’s markets. Themes like shifting demographics and technological advancements are reshaping society and creating new opportunities for growth. You’ll also hear about how strong corporate cultures are playing a pivotal role in driving company performance, often in ways that aren’t immediately reflected in stock prices.

With investors seeking alternative avenues for growth and diversification, this October’s webinar aims to equip financial professionals with strategies to find success by investing in the companies driving societal change. It's an opportunity to gain insight into how to stay ahead by aligning investments with the powerful forces reshaping society.

Register here to gain access.

This webcast is for Advisor Use Only. The viewpoints expressed by NEI Investments and its partners represent the assessment of the markets at the time of the webcast. Those views are subject to change as markets change over time and may differ from views expressed by other associates and affiliates at their firms. Opinions expressed here do not constitute investment advice.

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Northwest & Ethical Investments Inc. is the general partner of NEI LP and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aviso Wealth Inc. (“Aviso”). Aviso is the sole limited partner of the NEI LP. Aviso is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aviso Wealth LP, which in turn is owned 50% by Desjardins Financial Holding Inc. and 50% by a limited partnership owned by the five Provincial Credit Union Centrals and The CUMIS Group Limited.