Robert Half reveals split among professionals, financial services salaries

Hardworking Canadian professionals are split on whether they are fairly paid for the work they do.
A new survey shows that 51% believe that they are paid fairly at their jobs while 47% say they are not. Just 2% admit to being overpaid.
The poll from Robert Half Canada has been released in conjunction with the firm’s 2019 salary guides which provide starting salary ranges for 400 roles in the accounting and finance, technology, legal, creative, and administrative fields.
"As competition for skilled workers intensifies, companies are under more pressure to keep pace with hiring demands and shifting candidate expectations," said Greg Scileppi, president of Robert Half, International Staffing Operations.
He added that flexible compensation packages that incorporate the benefits, perks and incentives that professionals value most are key to attracting highly capable workers and building the strong teams companies need to support evolving business needs.
Financial services salaries
The salary guides highlight strong demand for professionals in the financial services sector.
Starting salaries range from $42,000 per year for an credit analyst (1-3 years) through to a highly experienced managing director or partner earning $230,750.
Portfolio manager salaries range from $145,750 to $175,250; and managers in a financial planning or analysis role are in a range of $96,000 to $153,000.
The full guide is available at