Receiver finds that B.C. operation has less than $59,000 in cash and cryptocurrency

A B.C. crypto trader owes customers up to $13.2 million (US$10 million) and has less than $59,000 (US$45,000) on hand in cash and cryptocurrency, according to the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC).
Einstein Exchange was handed over to an interim receiver by the Supreme Court of British Columbia on November 1 after the BCSC learned that customer funds might be at risk. The receiver, Grant Thornton Ltd., has since concluded its work trying to preserve Einstein’s assets.
The receiver found that the Einstein group owes customers between $10.6-13.2 million (US$8-$10 million). It also found several claims against the group and a number of unpaid bills from suppliers.
In assets, they found $45,000 in cash and cryptocurrency, as well as office equipment, furniture, and three Bitcoin ATMs.
Grant Thornton shut down Einstein’s website, preventing customers from depositing funds or purchasing cryptocurrencies.
The BCSC said it will continue to investigate Einstein.