CSA highlights investor education in volatile times

Securities regulators launch Investor Education Month and are preparing for World Investor Week which launches next week

CSA highlights investor education in volatile times

The important work done by the finance and investment industry to educate investors will be in focus during this month.

The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) has launched its Investor Education Month with a new report which has weathering volatile financial markets and avoiding scams as central themes.

October is Investor Education Month and members will be holding various events to promote the importance of investor education, especially amid an increase in scams during the pandemic.

 "The COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on all Canadians is an unprecedented historical event," said Louis Morisset, CSA Chair and President and CEO of the Autorité des marchés financiers. "The CSA and its members demonstrated our ability to develop innovative investor education initiatives during this unique and challenging time. We moved quickly and collectively to make Canadians aware of potential fraudulent investment schemes and to exercise caution when making financial decisions during economic uncertainty."

The CSA and its members reacted quickly to address the sudden change in risk for investors created by the pandemic.

This new focus built on the past year’s work on senior financial abuse, affinity fraud, investment basics for millennials and beginners, financial information for women, and many locally-focused campaigns on investor protection and financial literacy.

The full report is available on the CSA website (securities-administrators.ca).

Global focus
As well as the Canadian Investor Education Month, next week (Oct. 5-11) is World Investor Week, a global campaign to foster greater investor education and investor protection promoted by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).