Wealth Professional Canada's 5-Star Brokerages showcase is now open for entries

Is your business one of Canada’s top brokerages? Wealth Professional Canada opens its entries for its 5-Star Brokerages 2023, celebrating teams that have overcome the challenges to set themselves apart from their competitors.
To participate, brokerages must submit their entries via this online form. The brokerage business must be a full-service brokerage with a minimum of three locations in Canada.
A place on the 5-Star Brokerages list will provide professional recognition to the best brokerage businesses in the Canadian market. Winners can use this ranking to enhance their business reputation and credibility.
The 5-Star Brokerages, proudly supported by the Canadian Association of Alternative Strategies & Assets (CAASA), will be announced on Wealth Professional Canada’s website in April 2023.
Nominations close Friday, December 16.