This independent financial advisor reveals to WP a little bit about a lot of things including why he believes in financial advice to the best piece of advice he's ever been given.

anyone in the world.
Why financial advice? Because we don't know what we don't know. I can always add value to a person's situation.
How would you sum up advisors in three words? Can't be done. (far too large a range of skill sets and intentions
How would you change the industry? No Idea. Not sure I would.
Best advice you’ve ever been given? Invest in banks bonds and utilities.
What’s the most important thing an advisor can do to develop their business? The best source of new business is the file on your desk right now - American business magnate, Charlie Munger
What’s the biggest challenge facing the industry today? Sincerity
Stanley Cup, Grey Cup, World Series, World Cup or other? Habs, Stanley cup 2014
What’s your favourite drink? Red wine
If you could invite three people to dinner, dead or alive, and excluding family and friends, who would they be and why? One of the Google founders, Benjamin Franklin and Leonardo Da Vinci. Can you imagine the discussion?
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