iA Financial announces new global managed funds

New funds will serve demand for greater diversification

iA Financial announces new global managed funds
Steve Randall

Three new global managed funds have been announced by iA Financial Group, adding to its segregated fund offer.

The funds - Global Asset Allocation Security (iAIM), Global Asset Allocation (iAIM), Global Asset Allocation Opportunity (iAIM) – will be managed by Clément Gignac, senior vice-president and chief economist, and his team at iA Investment Management.

"We are among the first to offer, in Canada, a new fund series, in terms of segregated funds, that gives regular investors direct access to private alternative and real asset classes like real estate, mortgage loans, infrastructure, private equity and private debt, which are normally reserved for institutions and large pension funds that require a major investment and/or high fees", said Gignac.

The funds are designed to meet demand from clients for solutions with greater diversification and a spread of asset classes and world regions.

They respond to three investment profiles from the most prudent (Security) to the most aggressive (Opportunity) and are available in the Classic 75/75 and 75/100 series of the IAG Savings and Retirement Plan as well as My Education+.

"Besides the advantages provided by segregated funds, our investors continue to benefit from our expertise in terms of asset allocation, and our dynamic hedging of exposure to foreign currencies", added Gignac.