Association names new leader to replace Ian Russell, who steps down after 15 years at the helm

The Board of Directors of the Investment Industry Association of Canada (IIAC) has announced the appointment of Laura Paglia as its next President and CEO.
Paglia is a partner with the law firm Borden Ladner Gervais LLP and a leader of its Securities Litigation and Regulatory Group. She has had an extensive practice representing multiple institutions in the financial services and capital markets industries. She has also been active in securities policy and regulation.
“Laura has a deep understanding of the workings of the Canadian financial sector, particularly the investment industry, and is respected for her strategic and practical perspectives on securities regulation,” said Richard Rousseau, Chair of the IIAC Board of Directors.
“At a time of dramatic transformation in the financial sector and capital markets, and sweeping changes in the regulatory framework, the investment industry is fortunate to draw on Laura’s leadership as the voice of the investment industry, on her knowledge and expertise in financial activities and securities law and regulation, and on her extensive relationships in the financial community.”
Paglia succeeds Ian Russell who has provided exceptional leadership to the IIAC over the past 15 years. “On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to extend our deep appreciation for Ian’s vision, hard work, and dedication to large and small investment dealers in the industry throughout his long tenure.
“Ian has developed strong relationships in the industry and regulatory community in Canada and across the globe. He has made an important and lasting contribution to the respected reputation of the Association held across financial markets,” said Rousseau.
The Investment Industry Association of Canada (IIAC) is the national association representing the investment industry’s positions on securities regulation, public policy and industry issues on behalf of our 113 IIROC-regulated investment dealer Member firms in the Canadian securities industry.