A new poll from the Fraser Institute finds that most people believe no-one should pay more than half of their income in taxes

Most Canadians believe the combined rate of federal and provincial income tax is too high and should be limited.
That’s the key finding of a new survey from Leger for the Fraser Institute which found that most people (58%) think 50% is the upper limit for the top rate of income tax, although this is currently exceeded in all provinces expect Alberta and Saskatchewan (where the rate is still at least 47%).
“Clearly there’s a difference between income tax rates in most provinces and the rate most Canadians believe is appropriate,” said Jake Fuss, director of fiscal studies at the Fraser Institute and coauthor of A Poll of Canadians on the Fair Share of Taxes.
Just 19% of respondents believe that combined top-rate income taxes should be above 50%.
Wealthy to pay more?
When asked about wealthier Canadians, just 35% said that higher-income families should pay more in taxes with 42% thinking they should pay the same – or even less – in taxes, even though 70% think some people don’t pay their fair share.
“Despite the common refrain from Ottawa and elsewhere that the ‘rich’ don’t pay their fair share, more Canadians oppose tax increases for higher-income families than those who support tax hikes,” Fuss said.