New name in rules-based investment tools launch in Canada

iQUANT helps financial advisors to build and grow portfolios with models and portfolios

New name in rules-based investment tools launch in Canada

There’s a new name in investment models and portfolios that is promising Canadian financial advisors a ‘simplified life’ through better returns.

iQUANT Inc. is expanding into Canada from its US base with rules-based tools that it says can help FAs re-balance portfolios for hundreds of client accounts in less than an hour a month.

iQUANT will offer eight new investment models to Canadian advisors on its website. The models are categorized as broad market, theme-based, hedge, and sector-specific.

Rick Gonsalves, founder and CEO of iQUANT, says there are wonderful opportunities in Canadian investment markets.

"Our goal is to expand our international footprint to accommodate investment professionals across the globe. Each domicile represents amazing investment potential. Through stringent testing as well as portfolio-building tools, our focus is solely on the investment professional. Only investment professionals have access to our special investment models," he said.

Among the options are models that pick individual stocks as well as those that select only exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

The service is only available to investment professionals and the models are Canadian large cap equity, Canadian all cap equity, Canadian all cap share buyback, Canadian all cap high yield, sensitive super sector, cyclical super sector, defensive super sector, and all assets hedge.

"Advisors like that we remove emotion from the investment selection process, compared to the emotional way they may have done things before. They also like the track record of downside protection several of our models provide," said iQUANT’s Mary Goodman.