Oil, Greece, China in focus

World markets are focusing on three key factors Friday.

World markets are focusing on three key factors Friday; the current drop in the oil price with Brent below $50 and WTI heading towards $40; Greece, as a meeting of the European finance ministers will decide whether to ratify the latest bailout agreement; and China with markets stabilising as the People’s Bank gave reassurance that devaluation will not be a free-fall.
  Latest 1 month ago 1 year ago
North America (previous session)
US Dow Jones 17,408.25 (+0.03 per cent) -3.57 per cent +4.16 per cent
TSX Composite 14,238.40 (-0.71 per cent) -2.47 per cent -6.88 per cent
Europe (at 6.20am ET)
UK FTSE 6,572.75 (+0.07 per cent) -2.68 per cent -1.68 per cent
German DAX 11,013.25 (-0.01 per cent) -4.37 per cent +19.38 per cent
Asia (at close)
China CSI 4,073.54 (-0.05 per cent) -0.94 per cent +74.39 per cent
Japan Nikkei 20,519.45 (-0.37 per cent) +0.66 per cent +33.99 per cent
Other Data (at 6.20am ET)
Oil (Brent) Oil (WTI) Gold Can. Dollar
(-0.14 per cent)
(-0.69 per cent)
(+0.18 per cent)
Aus. Dollar