Award winner Chase Gordon on the 'small wins and little things' that make all the difference

For Chase Gordon of Verus Financial – National Bank Financial, receiving the Desjardins Award for Rising Star Advisor of the Year was one of the biggest and best surprises of his career so far. Speaking to WP, he said that while this award is amazing, a lot of people don’t realize the hard work that goes into making a success in this field.
“This award means a lot to me, personally and professionally. It’s definitely rewarding to see my hard work get recognized,” Gordon explained. “Most people don’t see the late nights, the countless hours, the failures, and the moments of self-doubt. It’s the little wins—like winning this award, getting compliments from my clients, seeing them achieve their investment objectives—that make it all worth it in the end.”
And Gordon is quick to emphasize the importance of appreciating those small victories.
“I always tell my team that it’s the small wins and the little things in this industry that make a big difference. I’m just super humbled and grateful to be recognized as a leader and a rising star within this industry. I’m still young, I’m pretty optimistic about the future, so I believe the best is yet to come.”
‘Hard work, determination, innovative solutions’
The award is more than just a personal milestone; it carries weight for Gordon’s professional credibility and his outlook on the industry. He told WP that he believes this recognition helps build his own credibility in the industry, being so young, as well as showcase his competence.
“It’s a reminder that success in this industry isn’t just about years in the business—it’s about providing value and quality service to your clients. At the end of the day, that matters.”
As a young advisor, Gordon sees his success as proof of the impact that determination and innovative strategies can have.
“Hard work, determination, innovative solutions, and diligent strategies can make a big, meaningful impact to clients’ lives,” he added.
Reflecting on how the role of wealth advisors has changed, Gordon acknowledges that the demands are greater than ever.
“Being an advisor today is very different than what it used to be in the past. In the past, advisors were financial advisors or stockbrokers—they were focused solely on investment management, right, or investments in general. Now the industry has shifted where clients come to their wealth advisor for all areas of their financial lives, which makes our job more challenging.”
And, for aspiring advisors, Gordon stresses the need for versatility and collaboration.
“To be successful in this industry and as an advisor, you need to be pretty well-versed in a variety of different areas. You don’t necessarily need to be an expert in all of them—nor should you be—but you should have a good understanding across the board. You also need the right internal or external professionals to count on for areas where you’re not the expert. Having a solid network of experts is very important. But also, as an advisor, you’re going to have to wear many different hats. You’re going to have to be a team leader, you’re going to have to quarterback your client.”
Gordon also points to a skill that often goes unspoken: “At the end of the day, you’re going to have to sell. If you can’t sell and you can’t handle objections, you’re not going to make it as an advisor, because this business is made off growth, right?”
‘We’re upon the greatest wealth transfer in history’
For young professionals looking to follow in his footsteps, Gordon offers some advice: “If you can, partner with a good team whose value add you genuinely believe in. Learn from them. Stick to that value add and don’t steer far from it.”
And as an award winner, Gordon has a clear message he wants to send out to fellow professionals in the sector moving into 2025 – namely, don’t miss out.
“We’re upon the greatest wealth transfer in history, from the boomers to the next generation. Over $1 trillion will be inherited by the next generation in the next decade. That’s close to $250 million per day for the next 10 years. So, if you’re an advisor or wealth management firm and haven’t focused your attention on the next generation of investors—specifically millennials and Gen Z—you’re going to miss out on a massive opportunity.”
Feeling inspired? Our nomination for Wealth Professional Awards 2025 are officially open – nominate your picks here.