Major new task force aims to boost jobs and investment in the transforming global economy

Urgent action must be taken to advance Canada’s growth and ensure a better future for all.
That’s the driver of a major new task force founded by the Business Council of Canada which aims to engage business leaders and other stakeholders.
The Task Force on Canada’s Economic Future will be bringing together a diverse range of groups and individuals with the common aim of shaping an agenda to boost Canada’s ability to compete for jobs and investment.
Goldy Hyder, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Business Council, says that too often there is complacency but that action is needed as other countries are moving fast and decisively to strengthen investor confidence and build prosperity.
“As an organization that represents business leaders and entrepreneurs, we claim no monopoly on good ideas,” he said. “For that reason, the Task Force intends to consult widely, welcoming input from Canadians from every region and all walks of life. Out of that we plan to develop a short list of specific recommendations to strengthen our country’s prospects, contributing to the tax base that supports Canadians’ social programs and quality of life.”
He added that this is about more than the economy, it’s about what’s good for the country and its people.
The Task Force has three co-chairs: Chuck Magro, President and Chief Executive Officer, Nutrien Ltd.; Nicole Verkindt, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, OMX; and Louis O. Vachon, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Bank of Canada.
“Canada has loads of untapped potential, yet large areas of our economy are struggling because of delays and regulatory uncertainties. We need to make sure that public debate and regulatory decisions take into account the interest of all regions of the country,” said Vachon.