Want to know what your clients are really thinking?

Mackenzie Investments releases insights into advisor expectations

Want to know what your clients are really thinking?
Mackenzie Investments is approaching its 50th anniversary and has taken this opportunity to find out more about client expectations for their financial advisors.

In a survey of Canadian investors and advisors, the firm discovered some key insights into what your clients really want.

For example, 91% of investors said that they expect reliance on socially responsible investments to either increase or stay the same in the next 2-3 years.

“These 50 new data points reinforced our perceptions and provide great learnings for advisors as they strive to deliver exceptional service to investors,” said Barry McInerney, President and Chief Executive Officer.

More than three-quarters of investors said that financial advisors should offer products and services from Canadian-owned asset management companies and 72% said that asset managers should have unique expertise in global investing.

A third of investors want to be in contact with you monthly and more often by email and the study also reveals that women are your best bet for referrals with 35% of female clients likely to recommend you compared to 27% of men.

On the advisor side, 53% are expecting their clients to increase foreign investments in the next few years and 87% believe that clients fully disclose their current financial situation.

Information is important to investors, but perhaps less so than advisors believe. While 91% of advisors said sharing relevant articles and other information with investors is important, 68% of investors agreed.