Rapidly growing independent to offer clients “preferred access” to range of new investment options and products

Wellington-Altus Private Wealth has added another string to its bow after entering into a strategic partnership with investment dealer INFOR Financial.
The independent wealth advisory firm will now be able to provide clients with preferred access to all INFOR Financial's new issues. Wellington-Altus is expanding aggressively and last month told WP that it already has more than $2 billion of assets confirmed to cross over from bank-owned firms through Q1 and Q2.
It currently has about $10 billion in assets under administration and said it is now able to offer clients “further access to a growing range of investment options and products”.
According to a statement, INFOR Financial will now have access to approximately $20 billion of assets under administration as a result of its partnerships with both Questrade and now Wellington-Altus.
It read: “With demand for retail brokerage services in Canada gravitating to either low-cost execution or high-end advisory services, INFOR Financial believes it has partnered with the two companies in Canada that can best leverage their leading positions and capture market share in those growing segments.
“By providing Wellington-Altus clients with preferred access to newly issued securities offerings, INFOR Financial will further expand the ability of their corporate customers to raise capital.”
Charlie Spiring, Wellington-Altus founder and chairman, added: “Our arrangement with INFOR Financial now turns a previous gap in our model into a present strength. Access to new issues from INFOR Financial expands the options we can provide to both our customers and advisors, and we are excited to be working with one of Canada's leading independent investment banking advisory firms."