RBC Wealth Management has launched a dedicated recruitment drive to attract female talent

Major Canadian brokerage RBC Wealth Management has launched a dedicated recruitment drive to attract female talent
The tailor made campaign not only invites would-be advisors to explore roles at the company, but offers programs to directly tackle obstacles women face in their careers. Programs include a Leave Program to help women take a break from their career without losing their place on the career ladder, a Mentorship program and Women’s Advisory Board, and a Return to Work Program.
In a press release the company explained that since women now control more wealth more than ever before, the business needed to reflect this. Women currently make up a quarter of RBC’s own advisors, a percentage the company aims to increase “over the next few years”.
The company says its campaign also takes aim at damaging “myths” about the industry, which it says are keeping women away.
"Many people think this job is highly technical, highly analytical, but I think the most important thing you can bring to the table is caring, caring about your clients and wanting to build a relationship with them because that's really the power of what we're doing," says Michelle Vickers, vice president and portfolio manager at RBC Dominion Securities.
The campaign has an easy to navigate landing page at rbcwm.com/YourPath and includes video interviews with women advisors talking about their journey into wealth management.