Ombudsman welcomes four new directors

Dispute-resolution service for financial services industry embraces new talent

There is a wealth of new talent on board at the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI).

The Canadian financial services industry’s dispute-resolution service has four new public directors on its board: they are replacing four directors who had completed their terms.
So who’s in and who’s out?


Angela Ferrante, Louise Martel, Adrian Burns and Ian Lightstone.


Laura Tamblyn Watts: A lawyer who has focused on elder law. She has served on the consumer and investor advisory council at OBSI.

Bharat Mahajan: Vice president and accountant, as well as chief financial officer for Aveda Transportation and Energy Services.

Catherine Adams: A former financial services industry executive.

Carmela Haines: An accountant who is vice president for finance and administration.

According to Fernand Belisle, the chairman of the OBSI, the ombudsman is currently undergoing a review of is operations and it is hoped this new talent will help take it forward.

These individuals bring a wealth of talent and I am encouraged by their enthusiasm for OBSI’s mandate, helping to resolve financial disputes between Canadians and their banks and investment firms,” he said.