The importance of making investments with a difference

The way that investors make their decisions is changing, but are your clients ready to take a more ethical path?

As clients become increasingly conscientious about the nature of their investments, providing ethical investment options has never been more important. ‘Green’ investments have grown in popularity in recent years, as have investments that support social endeavours and benevolent causes.
Soon Canadians will have another ethical option because, as of mid-December, social enterprise and advocacy group, G(irls)20 has announced it will launch a non-traded stock.
With a focus on cultivating a new generation of female leadership through targeted investments in education, social entrepreneurship and global experiences, G(irls)20 aims to close the gap between education and opportunity and enhance the skills and opportunities for girls and women around the world. 
Fittingly, received the news about The G(irls)20 fund on International Day of the Girl (Tuesday October 11th), when Madame Sophie Grégoire Trudeau and expert investor, Som Seif joined forces to ring the opening bell at the TSX. The pair were united in their calls for governments and corporations to increase investments that will keep girls in school, encourage healthy lifestyles and create leadership roles.
 “As a CEO, and as a father of three girls, I see firsthand the impact of investing in women,” said Som Seif, President & CEO Purpose Investments. “There are massive economic and social gains to be made by simply closing gender gaps and supporting female leadership and greater labour force participation. We know that when women are empowered, families thrive, communities are safer, and economies grow.”

Madame Sophie Grégoire Trudeau said: “I am pleased to participate once again in the International Day of the Girl. I was here in Toronto for the first International Day of the Girl in 2012 and I am here today again because we still have a lot of work to do. Investing in girls is a key step in the fight for gender equality.”