There is no way to have absolute clarity about how things will evolve, but there are several big picture items that advisors can begin to prepare to deal with

As the old ways melt away it is time to establish your place and thrive in the new world. Pretty much everything affecting the process of providing financial advice is changing: regulations, products, technologies and business models. Advisors should not ask themselves “how will I operate going forward?”, but “how can I position myself to excel in the future?” There is no way to have absolute clarity about how things will evolve, but there are several big picture items that advisors can begin to prepare to deal with.
Just Learn to Love Technology
Obviously technology is changing our world, but the tech revolution should not paralyze advisors. With new fintech firms popping up daily or the latest “shattering” announcement that yet more robo advisors are being unleashed on the country, the proper response is likely to let out another yawn. The hype seldom lives up to the promise.
Seldom does a new technology or app rock the world on day one, but over time and with gradual improvements and adoption, the future starts creeping into the now. So take a deep breath and accept that this part of your job going forward will be changing. This means the sooner advisors adapt, the sooner they will be able to differentiate themselves from their competition. If an advisor does not have the necessary skills to leap the divide, outsource to someone who does. With the fast pace of change in the industry, what were once core competencies may soon be reduced to run-of-the-mill functions. Get in front of the curve, while the getting is still possible.
Invent a New Value Proposition
Truth be told there are a lot of advisors who can do what you do. In the past, it was all about selling products, now it is about portfolios and financial plans. Technology creep will continually intrude upon the service advisors offer, so much so that it will be the unique elements of human interaction that will allow advisors to shine.
Rudimentary onboarding processes are in need of a major upgrade. The softer side of the client interaction will have to dominate going forward by creating customized solutions for each client that extends well belong asset mix and fund selection. Client behavior is greatly influenced by the daily bombardment of news, opinions and whimsy, allowing fear and doubt to adversely affect their portfolios results. Given that most clients have limited understanding of the investment world, advisors are presented with a great opportunity to teach clients how to behave as good, long-term investors for years to come.
Refine the Client Experience
Many advisors are their own business and it is their technical strengths that allow them to prosper. When they add great customer service, clients feel pampered. But will this be enough going forward? Increased disclosure is upending the status quo, particularly with fees where compression and cannibalization are gouging profits.
So maybe it is time to evolve and incorporate alternative fee structures that respond to client preferences and rationalize the way advisors and wealth managers get paid for their services, such as “success” based fees i.e. fees directly tied to client results . Whether it be performance, tax savings or simply a shoulder to cry on (after all a lot of psychiatrists get paid quite a lot for doing little more), aligning fees to a specific service or outcome will set you apart. Clients want options and to feel connected. Advisors need to tailor their services to create a human connection that the “robots” and giant players cannot reproduce.
Not every client wants the same thing so having a suite of solutions that are different or tailored to deliver the most robust results is paramount. In many ways it will come down to evolve or perish. So take time from your busy day; turn off the computer and stare into the future. Change is coming for you!
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