Kate Brown of Brown Wealth Management Group is rank 33 in Wealth Professional Canada's 2017 Top 50 Advisors

Brown Wealth Management Group
RBC Dominion Securities
London, ON
The founder of Brown Wealth Management at RBC, Kate Brown has been able to build an impressive practice by providing financial guidance to highnet- worth clients. In 2016, she boosted her individual AUM by more than $12 million, taking her up to the $150 million mark, while increasing her client base to 178. A graduate of the MBA program at the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario, Brown also holds CFP, FCSI, FMA and CIWM designations.
RBC Dominion Securities
London, ON
The founder of Brown Wealth Management at RBC, Kate Brown has been able to build an impressive practice by providing financial guidance to highnet- worth clients. In 2016, she boosted her individual AUM by more than $12 million, taking her up to the $150 million mark, while increasing her client base to 178. A graduate of the MBA program at the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario, Brown also holds CFP, FCSI, FMA and CIWM designations.