Elie Nour of Nour Private Wealth Manulife Securities is rank 13 in Wealth Professional Canada's 2018 Top 50 Advisors

Nour Private Wealth
Manulife Securities
Oakville, ON
A fixture on the Top 50 Advisors list since 2014, Elie Nour finds himself among Canada’s elite advisory talent again in 2018. Nour is no stranger to awards – he has ranked among Manulife Securities’ top 1% since 2009 – but he says his two youngest brothers following him into the advisory business has been one of his proudest professional moments. Now in his 11th year as a financial advisor, Nour has his own ideas about what the job should entail. “Today, clients need and expect more than just a money manager,” he says. “Clients are looking for advisors who can provide guidance in areas such as tax and estate planning.”
Manulife Securities
Oakville, ON
A fixture on the Top 50 Advisors list since 2014, Elie Nour finds himself among Canada’s elite advisory talent again in 2018. Nour is no stranger to awards – he has ranked among Manulife Securities’ top 1% since 2009 – but he says his two youngest brothers following him into the advisory business has been one of his proudest professional moments. Now in his 11th year as a financial advisor, Nour has his own ideas about what the job should entail. “Today, clients need and expect more than just a money manager,” he says. “Clients are looking for advisors who can provide guidance in areas such as tax and estate planning.”