Gerald L. Goertsen of De Thomas Wealth Management is rank 24 in Wealth Professional Canada's 2018 Top 50 Advisors

De Thomas Wealth Management
Kelowna, BC
It’s no secret that most Canadians need to save more for retirement, and it’s a key part of an advisor’s job
to guide such matters. For Gerald Goertsen, retirement planning can be a highly complex and intricate part of the job, but also an area where he can really add value. “I love helping families achieve their goals,” he says. “I think the proudest moment is when I am able to tell a client who was worried about retirement that they need to spend more money.”
Kelowna, BC
It’s no secret that most Canadians need to save more for retirement, and it’s a key part of an advisor’s job
to guide such matters. For Gerald Goertsen, retirement planning can be a highly complex and intricate part of the job, but also an area where he can really add value. “I love helping families achieve their goals,” he says. “I think the proudest moment is when I am able to tell a client who was worried about retirement that they need to spend more money.”