Rosemary Horwood of Rosemary Horwood Wealth is rank 38 in Wealth Professional Canada's 2018 Top 50 Advisors

Rosemary Horwood Wealth
Richardson GMP
Toronto, ON
One of the youngest Top 50 Advisors – and a welcome presence in an industry in need of new talent to meet the needs of the millennial generation – Rosemary Horwood believes being relatively new to the business isn’t necessarily a disadvantage. “The proudest moment of my professional career was giving the acceptance speech after winning the Young Gun of the Year Award at the Wealth Professional Awards in 2016,” she says. “‘A baby shark is still a shark’ was my tagline for the speech, and it gave me the nickname ‘Baby Shark’ amongst my peers.”
Richardson GMP
Toronto, ON
One of the youngest Top 50 Advisors – and a welcome presence in an industry in need of new talent to meet the needs of the millennial generation – Rosemary Horwood believes being relatively new to the business isn’t necessarily a disadvantage. “The proudest moment of my professional career was giving the acceptance speech after winning the Young Gun of the Year Award at the Wealth Professional Awards in 2016,” she says. “‘A baby shark is still a shark’ was my tagline for the speech, and it gave me the nickname ‘Baby Shark’ amongst my peers.”