Reg Jackson of JMRD Wealth Management Team is rank 5 in Wealth Professional Canada's 2018 Top 50 Advisors

JMRD Wealth Management Team
National Bank Financial
London, ON
London, Ontario-based advisor Reg Jackson returns to the 2018 Top 50 Advisors list with a place in the top five. Jackson stands out from his peers with assets under management of $525 million, boosted in 2017 by growth of $50 million. Although it’s his personal performance that landed him on the list, Jackson is keen to highlight that the success of JMRD Wealth Management is very much a team effort.
“By far the proudest moment of my career was when the JMRD Wealth Management Team won the 2013 National Award for Wealth Management Excellence at National Bank Financial,” he says. “Our business is not about individuals, and no single advisor can provide all the areas of expertise that clients want and demand in today’s competitive landscape.”
The JMRD collective consists of 11 professionals across three offices, which allows a greater degree of specialization. In Jackson’s opinion, providing a full spectrum of services – including ones that cater specifically to millennials – is the biggest challenge facing advisors today.
“I fully expect to be working as a financial advisor in 10 years, but my job description and the products and services being offered may look very different,” he says. “Tomorrow’s client will be completely different and will be asking for and expecting far more. Millennials are reshaping how we think about the future, and their preferences and demands will dictate our industry significantly.”
National Bank Financial
London, ON
London, Ontario-based advisor Reg Jackson returns to the 2018 Top 50 Advisors list with a place in the top five. Jackson stands out from his peers with assets under management of $525 million, boosted in 2017 by growth of $50 million. Although it’s his personal performance that landed him on the list, Jackson is keen to highlight that the success of JMRD Wealth Management is very much a team effort.
“By far the proudest moment of my career was when the JMRD Wealth Management Team won the 2013 National Award for Wealth Management Excellence at National Bank Financial,” he says. “Our business is not about individuals, and no single advisor can provide all the areas of expertise that clients want and demand in today’s competitive landscape.”
The JMRD collective consists of 11 professionals across three offices, which allows a greater degree of specialization. In Jackson’s opinion, providing a full spectrum of services – including ones that cater specifically to millennials – is the biggest challenge facing advisors today.
“I fully expect to be working as a financial advisor in 10 years, but my job description and the products and services being offered may look very different,” he says. “Tomorrow’s client will be completely different and will be asking for and expecting far more. Millennials are reshaping how we think about the future, and their preferences and demands will dictate our industry significantly.”