Kevin Haakensen of PWM Private Wealth Counsel is rank 21 in Wealth Professional Canada's 2019 Top 50 Advisors
PWM Private Wealth Counsel
HollisWealth, a division of Industrial Alliance Securities
Kevin Haakensen saw his AUM grow 24% to $166 million over the last year, moving him from the number 35 spot to number 21 on the Top 50 Advisors list. He initially entered the industry because of a passion for business, which hasn’t diminished over the years. “From a very young age, growing up on a farm and ranch, I was very interested in how businesses run and how business decisions were made,” Haakensen says. “As I grew older and went to business school, the thirst for the interworking of business, valuations and why people made the decisions that they made became even more interesting. What motivated me to enter the industry over 20 years ago still motivates me each and every day, which is a great feeling to have chosen the industry that suits my skill set and allows me to feel extremely proud and fulfilled.”
Haakensen remains focused on his goal of helping others achieves their goals. “I am always striving to find ways to help our clients succeed and meet their goals, while balancing that with allowing our employees to have a good work-life balance, all while trying to run a profitable, successful business,” he says. “If you treat your employees well and give them a healthy and happy work environment, they will treat your clients well.”