President and corporate financial planner
CWP Financial Services/Sun Life Financial
Age: 35
Years in the industry: 8
Chris Poole has been an entrepreneur since he was 15, having run and sold two corporations. That experience allows him to “appreciate the vision, the cash flow and ‘day in the life’ of business owners,” he says. “I started in this industry so that I could help business owners grow their companies and protect their families by better understanding the moving parts within their own unique structures.”
Poole believes there is a major money crisis in Canada and that successful advisors must help people better understand their own situations. “Canadians are so focused on their work, on their families and on enjoying their lives that they often don’t have the time or energy to actively understand their own financial situations,” he says. “This means that many Canadians simply wing it when it comes to their money.”
Poole and his team at CWP Financial have put a priority on helping clients understand their financial situations, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. “I am truly grateful for the industry success we’ve experienced to date,” Poole says, “but I’m outstandingly proud of the transition our CWP team has undergone since COVID caught the world by surprise earlier this year. With a quick pivot, we’ve now ultimately opened our ‘third office location’ by launching an end-to-end digital service client experience.”
That digital service has led to more recognition for Poole, helping to place him among Sun Life’s top-performing national holistic and national wealth advisors in 2020. In addition, CWP Financial is on track to qualify for Million Dollar Round Table’s Top of the Table in 2020.