Associate Investment Advisor
Alexandra Horwood & Partners, Richardson GMP
Age: 30
Years in industry: 7
In just seven years, Ghinel Bozek has built a successful client base and manages the financial affairs for many successful business owners, agricultural families, mining executives and entertainment professionals using her full-service wealth management approach. Bozek was previously featured on the 2016 list and has continued to grow gaining more than $20 million in new assets since that time.
“I approach the management of my clients’ wealth much like a CEO approaches the management of a company. Everyday there are new challenges and opportunities that require attention, strategy and planning,” says Bozek. “Think of it as a puzzle that has to be put together except this puzzle requires deep insight into what clients would like to accomplish that will require planning, money and time.”
A journalist turned investment advisor, Bozek has quickly established herself in her second career. “I wouldn't say I decided to be in this industry, it chose me. I was blessed to have the opportunity to transition from journalism to finance seven years ago after a chance encounter with Richardson GMP,” remembers Bozek. “I was always intrigued by the world of finance growing up and took a leap of faith seven years ago to join the industry and have never looked back. I have the best clients, the best team and I could not be happier.”
Bozek says her greatest success is having been recognized by her peers and clients as a leader in managing wealth for business owners, entrepreneurs and their families in Canada. “It is such a joy to see my valued clients' wealth and businesses grow as a result of proper planning. Seeing this growth is something I look forward to every day.”