Desjardins introduces new ETFs and bond funds, targeting varied investment needs with updated allocations

Desjardins Investments Inc. (DI), as manager of the Desjardins Funds, announces significant changes and new developments to its mutual funds lineup, including the evolution of the Wise ETF portfolios and the launch of three new investment funds.
DI is introducing a new Wise ETF portfolio, the Wise Balanced 50 ETF Portfolio, which will be available in C, F, and I-Classes starting on or about April 15.
This new offering targets an allocation of 50 percent in fixed income securities and 50 percent in equity securities, tailored to meet the evolving investment needs of financial advisors and investors.
In addition to this launch, DI has renamed existing Wise ETF Portfolios: The Wise Balanced ETF Portfolio has been renamed the Wise Moderate ETF Portfolio, and the Wise Maximum Growth ETF Portfolio is now the Wise Aggressive ETF Portfolio. The asset allocation ratios of these portfolios have also been revised.
The Wise Moderate ETF Portfolio, formerly the Wise Balanced ETF Portfolio, has adjusted its allocation to 65 percent fixed income and 35 percent equity.
The Wise Conservative ETF Portfolio now targets 75 percent fixed income and 25 percent equity. The risk level for each portfolio remains unchanged.
DI is also launching two new income funds on April 15: the Desjardins Canadian Corporate Bond Fund and the Desjardins Sustainable Canadian Corporate Bond Fund, both offered in Class I and W units.
Managed by Desjardins Global Asset Management Inc., these funds are designed to provide a high level of interest income and some potential for capital appreciation over the long term. Both funds will primarily invest in investment-grade fixed-income securities issued by Canadian corporations.
The Desjardins Sustainable Canadian Corporate Bond Fund, part of the Desjardins Sustainable Funds range, incorporates a responsible investing approach into its strategy.