Explore diverse emerging market opportunities with Mackenzie's new fund, excluding China investments

Mackenzie Investments has unveiled the Mackenzie Emerging Markets ex-China Equity Fund, designed to offer investors the opportunity to tap into diverse emerging market opportunities without including investments in China.
Kristi Ashcroft, executive vice president, Products and Solutions at Mackenzie Investments, explained the rationale behind the new fund stating, “As China becomes an increasingly large proportion of emerging market indices, investors are looking to separate their allocations and manage their China exposure independently of their other emerging market exposure.”
She added, “This Fund provides access to emerging market equities with strong fundamentals across sectors, regions, and market capitalizations. The Fund can serve as a complement to portfolio solutions that have a greater exposure to China, such as the Mackenzie ChinaAMC All China Equity Fund.”
The Fund is actively managed by the Mackenzie Global Quantitative Equity Team, which utilizes advanced computing capabilities and cutting-edge technology to select high-quality companies that offer attractive valuations and potential for growth.
Ashcroft further highlighted the attractiveness of the investment landscape outside China, stating, “The emerging markets investment landscape outside of China is thriving with underappreciated potential for growth and alpha generation, making this Fund a compelling allocation in global investment portfolios.”