New creative initiatives and resources launched to encourage people towards healthy decision-making

Acting on findings from a recent survey it conducted, Sun Life Financial is working on several initiatives to help Quebecers attain lifetime financial well-being.
“To us, financial well-being means feeling comfortable about meeting your financial obligations,” said Brigitte Dagnault, assistant vice-president for Marketing and Communications, Sun Life Financial, Quebec. “We want our Clients to have the financial freedom to live life to the fullest, and also feel confident that they can handle what life throws their way.”
In its survey, Sun Life found that only 46% of Quebecers reported feeling confident about their financial health; more than six out of 10 said they are not prepared for unexpected events. To help equip people to make the right choices, Sun Life has launched several creative initiatives to share much-needed tips and tools.
One campaign, launched at the start of the year with the theme “365 days of financial well-being" (#365joursdeBienÊtreFinancier), involves posting one original idea every day about financial well-being and healthy lifestyles. The effort has gained support from the likes of Isabelle Racicot, Alexandre Despatie, and PL Cloutier, notable Quebec personalities who agreed to share their own tips.
Throughout the year, the social media effort will tackle topics such as consumer habits, travel, health sustainability, and saving money. In January, the firm said, it got the highest engagement from thousands of internet users interested in content about RRSPs, working after retirement, and financial goal-setting.
Another program, conducted in partnership with Quebecor since March last year, invites millennials to talk about money through Porte-Monnaie, a first-of-its-kind online brand. Hosted on the Journal de Montréal website, Porte-Monnaie strives to address the topic of money in a relevant, engaging, and positive way for members of Generation Y to “take an interest — and take action — when it comes to their personal finances.”
The firm also noted its program Parcours Simplement Brillant, described as a fun, interactive journey that helps educate people about their personal finances and share tips for their financial well-being. Sun Life announced an online version to be launched in spring as an augmented-reality experience for even more people to participate in.
Aside from that, Sun Life noted the presence of French-language articles on its own website, which covers advice on key life events.